THATTA: Indus Earth Trust (IET) teamed up with Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) and provided environment-friendly 56KW solar power to four villages of Gharotaluka in Thatta district.
“PPAF, a semi-government organisation, in association with IET, has done a great social work by providing solar power to four villages, including IshaqJokhioGoth and BachuKolhi Goth, that will help villagers, including women and children, to live an easy and happy life. Men and women will be able to do their work in the night, while children can also be able to read and write,” said Federal Climate Change Secretary Abu Ahmad Akif, while talking to the media after inspecting PPAF and IET’s solar power grid. Environment expert Afia Salam, NFEH chief Mohammad NaeemQureshi, UNDP official MasoodLohar, dignitaries and villagers were also present on the occasion.
The federal secretary expressed satisfaction over solar power grids and said that PPAF and IET had also provided other projects likeKeekra project to villagers, through which they were earning their livelihood. He said that the federal government and climate change ministry was fully committed to support PPAF for such environment-friendly projects.
Speaking on the occasion, IET CEO ShahidSayeed Khan said that this project will light up houses, courtyards, and toilets. He said that PPAF joined hands with IET to help the people escape darkness by providing them solar power supply through mini-grids. He said solar power is clean power resource for these villagers.
“We, with the support of PPAF, had also provided solar power to 120 villages some time back and are also determined to solarise 100 more villages in the recent future. IET is committed to alleviate poverty in Thatta region by providing livelihood projects to the people so that they could live a happy life.”
National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH) PresidentMohammad NaeemQureshi lauded the IET’s social work in Thatta and said that it would help the people in the areato live an easy life. He said that NFEH had also provided 1500 fruits and other precious trees to IET recently, which had been planted in different villages of Thatta. He said that the trees will support livelihood of the villagers, while other trees will keep the environment clean and green. “We will also provide more trees to IET in the future to keep the environment of the villages healthy,” Qureshi maintained.
He said that the solar power a wonderful invention which will bring socio-economic revolution in the world. “Pakistani government has failed to provide power to villagers; therefore, solar system is easy and healthy source of light for villagers, which PPAF and IET are ensuring in talukaGharo with honesty and social enthusiam.”
Qureshi said solar energy is a clean energy source that provides numerous benefits to everyday life. “These benefits include helping to grow the food we eat, influencing our weather patterns and allowing us to generate clean and renewable electricity with the help of solar panels. Domestic solar panels have also become easy source for power supply to villagers and it is great facility for the poor people.” He urged the federal and Sindh government to come forward with positive approach and solarise villages across Sindh, particularly in Thatta.
He said, “The inhabitants of Thatta through PPAF-IET have achieved a great dream of light in the nights as they feel comfortable to do their works in the night like caring cattle, cutting grass and enabling their children to read and write. They have also become able to charge their mobile phones and other low power consuming devices through solar energy. The womenfolk also do embroidery work in the nights and earn handsome money. The men also do carpeting work that adds to the household income. Streets in the village shine in the night, helping men to move freely,” Qureshi concluded.
Villagers said that PPAF-IET solar power is sustainable for energy consumption for rural areas, as it is renewable till sun exists. It does not need oil or another thing to run. It is one time investment and gives long-time production.
“Solar power can be used to light bulbs, run motors and fans. It could also be used to heat water. They are reliable to operate without any hindrance; however, some maintenance is required for its batteries. Solar panel energy rise when panel directly face the sun. Solar power can also help to reduce global warming. It is expected that the world’s oil reserves will finish in the future, while solar energy is infinite and can be achieved for long time,” the villagers said.
They criticised Sindh government for not providing drinking water and power to the people of Thatta despite they have entered the 21st century. “Many villages in Thatta district are passing life, like stone-age era, due to Sindh government’s lethargy as the villagers have been compelled to drink contaminated water and live without electricity facility, which are mandatory in this modern era.