The Anti-Corruption Establishment Punjab in its performance report for the year 2019 issued on Sunday said that the ACE Punjab has made historic recovery of 100.74 billion rupees in the last year. Out of this amount 1567.17 million rupees is of direct recovery, 96727.48 million rupees have been recovered under the head of land recovery whereas 2449.06 million rupees have been recovered under the head of indirect recovery.
According to report, the Anti-Corruption Establishment Punjab received 22940 complaints in the year 2019 and it redressed 21950 grievances including previous complaints. Similarly, Anti-Corruption Punjab held 5238 inquiries, gave decision of 4828 ongoing inquiries, 1340 cases were registered, furthermore, decision was given on 1518 ongoing cases, 869 challans were submitted, 254 raids were conducted and 1597 arrested. Anti-Corruption Punjab has also nabbed 48 court absconders and 312 proclaimed offenders in the year 2019.
While expressing his views regarding annual report DG Anti-Corruption Muhammad Gohar Nafees has said that as per vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan and under the leadership of Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar, the ACE is struggling for Corruption free Punjab.The DG directed all the officers of ACE to adopt zero-tolerance policy against the corrupt elements and take action against them without any discrimination. He appealed the public to identify the corrupt elements on Report corruption App and play their role in making Pakistan a developed, prosperous and corruption free country.